In All Her Glory

By Heron Rana. Donations go to Trans Lifeline.


Minimum donation is $5. Any amount above $5 is tax-deductible. 100% of project proceeds go to Trans Lifeline. Heron Rana will be notified of your name and donation amount.

$ (round to the dollar)
Play It Forward is a non-profit fundraising platform run completely by volunteers. We are free-to-use and rely on public donations to operate. Please consider making a supplemental donation to PIF so that we can continue to offer this service without a platform fee. Any amount given is tax-deductible.

This is usually a 3-digit code on the back of your card (for AMEX, it's the 4-digit code on the front).

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Vinyl medium 63a43bc319e7c7d3a5e80fcd4196c3e8957eda19d3de5c1c4557169bf034403a Small 52e4989e faac 414d abe3 8374023bdfb0

Play It Forward!

In All Her Glory


  1. Bitches
  2. Girlfriends
  3. Artists
  4. Women
  5. Trans Love

“In All Her Glory” a 5 songed EP based on real life stories, created by women, dedicated to women and about women (and non-binary people). Worked on with the help of various friends who brought their talent to the tracks and formed the finished vision. Released April 2023. Recorded and Produced in Davis/Sac California.