Warfare tutorial

By baby step 1. Donations go to March of Dimes.


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Play It Forward!

CODE baby


  1. 1.CODE baby 2.Compete Tutorial of WARFARE 1by1 33 points explained

March of dimes is a cause that is very close to my heart. the reason behind this is that they support mother and child of color. more importantly, I am doing this for Playitforward for providing me a platform to help.

mother and child of color signifies vulnurnerabilty in faith and number. this cannot be allowed. Mother, whereever you are, know that you are strong and that your child is your strongest weopen.

dear child, remember, there is no better friend in this life other than your mother.

i will not allow you to be called weak. for this reason, i have prepared a easy to understand tutorial in warfare. lets call it a master class in strengthening your odds.

god bless you march for dimes, mother and child of color and play it forward.
together we can make a difference in the world.

l love you
(baby step 1)

Project updates

  • Sep 6, 2020

    video update

    here is the music video of Code baby