My Hero is a Nurse


Minimum donation is $2. Any amount above $2 is tax-deductible. 100% of project proceeds go to ANA Coronavirus Response Fund. Frank Ingari will be notified of your name and donation amount.

$ (round to the dollar)
Play It Forward is a non-profit fundraising platform run completely by volunteers. We are free-to-use and rely on public donations to operate. Please consider making a supplemental donation to PIF so that we can continue to offer this service without a platform fee. Any amount given is tax-deductible.

This is usually a 3-digit code on the back of your card (for AMEX, it's the 4-digit code on the front).

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$21,042 donated so far

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Play It Forward!

Shared 47 times

My Hero is a Nurse


  1. My Hero is a Nurse

Frontline nurses confronting COVID endure infection, risk of infection, lack of PPE, long hours, and extreme stress. The American Nurses Foundation Coronavirus Response Fund provides direct economic support and mental health services to these heroic women and men.
This song honors them and seeks to raise money for the fund.
Personnel include Carl Nappa (Grammy-nominated multiplatinum engineer and producer), Aaron Halford (lead vocal), James Murphy (drums), Nicole Jones (backing vocals and adlibs), and Frank Ingari (writer, bass, keys, guitar).