Black Sun


Minimum donation is $2. Any amount above $2 is tax-deductible. 100% of project proceeds go to BLACK LIVES MATTER FOUNDATION. Noah Benjamin will be notified of your name and donation amount.

$ (round to the dollar)
Play It Forward is a non-profit fundraising platform run completely by volunteers. We are free-to-use and rely on public donations to operate. Please consider making a supplemental donation to PIF so that we can continue to offer this service without a platform fee. Any amount given is tax-deductible.

This is usually a 3-digit code on the back of your card (for AMEX, it's the 4-digit code on the front).

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$107 donated so far

Vinyl medium bronze e6ef4c04eb5bb0744a43c64ba21c5940e2a7ad8baf40f6dd98935371899357a8 Small black sun single

Play It Forward!

Shared 7 times

Black Sun


  1. Black Sun

I wrote "Black Sun" in response to the rise of white nationalist ideals that have been emboldened in America by an incompetent, overtly racist and hypocritical buffoon of a president that we have. To speak out against the government sanctioned violence that oppresses people of color on a daily basis for years. White allies must speak up! We built this system, we've benefitted from it, and if we truly believe in the equality of man, we must help destroy. Please help in anyway you can. Below is a link to organizations you can donate to too help the cause. The time is now.