Unfasten Slowly

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"Grabbing Olivia's Purse" is very much a conceptual album. That being said, or rather written in this case, there is quite a bit to unpack. I will not go into every last detail, but I will proffer a general overview. The opener, "Dr. Eamz" owes heavily to the incomparable George Carlin in that, " they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep in order to believe it." The next ditty, "The Phenomenon" is about how Trump secured the nomination for the GOP. Trump is, in fact, the Commodore (which is ironic because he dodged the draft several times because of his bone spurs.) Obviously, Donald is more crooked than a coat-hanger, and so the album goes into detail about his lack of a moral compass and his various misdeeds (including his overtly racist policies and violations of the Emoluments Clause, hence the Pop Sutters plugs peppered throughout the album.) Once Trump was given the thumbs up by the electoral college, part of me was relieved because I was under the impression